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Monday 16 November 2015

Depersonalisation: The silent Anxiety Disorder - My Story

Depersonalisation: "Moments of feeling disconnected or detached from one's body and thoughts." 

"I have this feeling when I feel like I'm here but I'm not here, do you ever get that?" 

I explained all this in the video 'Lets Talk: Dealing with Anxiety | What will the future hold?'

I held back a little bit, but this blog post will reveal a little bit more.

How does one explain something they are not quite sure of themselves? How does someone summarise something they are yet to understand?

Rejection. It can really take its toll on a human being. Or so I have learnt.

I've always been the strong one. The back bone. The one that listens to people's worries, but struggles to find a ear truly open to understanding my issues. 

"When the deliverer needs deliverance" 

*little bit of background* A few years back, during the ages of 13-15, I used to attend a church called 'Mountain of fire and miracle ministries' aka MFM. Notoriously known for their 'die by fire type prayers' but also a miracle centre where people usually obtain life changing results such as deliverance from evil forces and what not, through various prayer programs. 

I stumbled across this book, with this highly gripping title. I really didn't understand the meaning until of recent. I sat back and analysed the situation I found myself in. Imagine you had to get from A to B. In between A and B lies a door. This is the only route, might I emphasise. So imagine all these plans were made. The subject in this scenario is following these plans. They are optimistic. They are trusting that the universe is on their side. 

On getting to the door. They open it, hoping to enter. On putting their first foot in, there is some sort of blockage. They get pushed back and fall. They try again after regaining their energy. Once again, they get pushed back, and fall. 

What is this blockage? 

They try and shine some light on it. 

They see a big fat No. Standing in the way. B can no longer even be seen. 

So what now? 

Go back after all of the preparations and follow through? 

The subject is lost. The subject does not know how to feel. In fact, the subject loses all feeling. They become numb from the world. They become depersonalised. 

This is what I was going through. I developed a weird case of anxiety. The silent kind. The one you keep to yourself - and it keeps growing, and growing. 

"When the deliverer needs deliverance." As an aspiring Media personality, I take to YouTube to discuss real issues regarding life. I was offering advice to many but was unable to find an advisor for myself. I'm not saying I was this religious leader who was able to rid people of their demons and what not. But I had moments where I just cried and cried. I wondered who would deliver me?

Then I recovered. In the most unexpected way, and at the most unexpected time.

The incident. 

A trip to an hospital really put things into perspective for me. 

The hospital has people who are in simple terms, close to death but remain hopeful about life - they hold on to the fact that they are alive.

I thought to myself. But I have more than just life....

I have family, I have friends, I have achieved so much, and even though life may be shaky right now, I have experienced good times. 

So why don't I hold on to that? 

I realised, I had been spending so much time worrying about the future, and rather than it keeping me focused. It made me lose my way. It made me stop enjoying and appreciating the present. 

And now I have this feeling. 

I have this feeling that it will all work out. 

Perhaps not by my plans, perhaps not the way I had envisioned it. 

But it will work out. 

Personally, I choose to be happy. 

Thank you for reading. 

Peace & Chunks 


Friday 30 October 2015

"All I wanted to do was love him"

Ladies I know this feeling. The heartbreaking realisation that someone is not ready for the love you were so willing to give. But the reality is you cannot force a man to love you. I saw a quote somewhere, just to paraphrase it said 'If you put the amount of energy you put into these boys into God instead, God will bring you someone who you never have to work hard to impress or even question his love for you". Do not get me wrong. Im not advising you to draw close to God for the sole purpose of finding a good man. I'm advising you to seek God's love first before you seek love in any man or people in general. You need to discover the queen in you before even trying to bring out the king in anyone else all in the name of a relationship. One day you will meet someone who not necessarily completes you but compliments your being. Someone who you will build with. Someone who you will grow with. Someone you will never have to beg to love you. And when that person comes you will know. Because you would have realised what love is by loving God first and inevitably yourself. God is love and God wants to reside within us; by loving God, you love yourself. You love yourself enough to give that love to someone truly worthy of it. Ladies. Wipe your eyes. Be patient. Be wise enough to break the cycle of unworthy love. Be strong.


Monday 26 October 2015

Autumn Leaves | Fashion files

October marks the start of a beautiful new season - Autumn.

The calm before the storm if you ask me. That not too hot, but not too cold kind of weather. That little to no rain type of weather. No humidity in sight. 

Everything is just right.

Full Frontal

Well half lol. And so the transition into winter begins. 

Layers, layers, layers.

Simple, light layers.

You cant go wrong with an Autumn Mac coat.

Just look at my excitement. lol

The boots. Very essential this season. Can add that fab touch to any outfit!

My photographer was really feeling herself with all these angles. lol

Goodbye summer, Hello Autumn.

Outfit details

Top - H&M
Jeans - New Look
Boots - New Look
Bag - The Jolly chic
Mac - Depop
Earrings - Top Shop

Thanks for viewing

Peace & chunks 


Wednesday 7 October 2015

Nigerian Independence Weekend

This weekend was very eventful. Nigeria became 55 on the 1st of October. A huge milestone which we are all very proud of. On the day itself, I came down with a flu and couldn't celebrate well. But the weekend came. It was LIT aka gbogbo aiye ! 

 Saturday was VivaHallParty: 

 Full frontal

I had to rep for naija ofcourse! Green-White-Green things!

Shout out to my mum for hooking me up with this beautiful velvet material and authentic gele to match. The beads were also customised by a friend of hers.

Infact my clutch was also a present from mummy. Two years ago just before my prom, she presented me with this beautiful velvet panelled YSL purse. One of my most prized possessions.

Lets just ignore my garden shall we? lol 
More pics:

Outfit Details:

Lace Top: Sheinside
Heels: NewLook
Watch: Rotary


After shayoing till day break, I caught an early coach to London. All roads led to 229, The Venue on Great Portland street; for the long awaited MMNUK15 Pageant Final.

Full Outfit:

This outfit was actually improvisation. My original outfit got lost in the post and was untrackable. Let me spare you the details. 

My Flat mate Oge came to the rescue and provided me with this skirt, she purchase it from BeLondonFashion.com.

I was searching frantically for what top to wear, then found this lace top; untouched, still with the receipt. At first I thought hmm, lace and african print - im not too sure. But it worked!

Added another set of customised jewellery - made to match my original outfit but once again it worked! It just worked!

Looking forward to bringing you exclusives from the show ofcourse!

Outfit Details

Lace Top - H&M
Skirt - BeLondon
Shoes - Office

Thanks for reading !

Peace & Chunks


Thursday 24 September 2015

Paris - The Vlog

Had the priviledge of surprising my little sister with a mini getaway as an extra birthday treat. The Vlog is above! Enjoy !
