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Monday 1 February 2016


A big congratulations to one of Nigeria's biggest On Air Personalities; Tolu Oniru, and now Tolu Demuren on her wedding! 

Popularly known as Toolz, she is loved by many Nigerians and so her wedding was bound to be a blast. The hashtag #TSquared2016 took over the whole of Naija Instagram and Twitter. The wedding colours were so beautiful and it seemed like everyone was bringing their A Game! 

Some pictures: 

Her traditional bridal train are simply the BADDEST !!!

The men didn't do too bad either! Go Yoruba demons, Go ! Haha 

So much slayage has occurred so far! Looking forward to the White wedding!

Some of the guests looked amazing, other looks were.. well questionable. I'd rather not label which was which lol

Thank you for reading Peace & Chunks xx

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