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Friday, 27 February 2015

Is the dress blue&black OR white&gold?!?!: Proposed explanation.

YES we are STILL talking about it. The demonic dress, the chameleonic shape shifter, the illusion before our eyes. Why ? because it is fascinating. If you want to die, die.  I want to get to the bottom of it.

Just in case you haven't seen it, here's the dress.

So after i spoke to a few random people (the video above), i realised it's not a hoax. Really and truly, it seems people CAN see different colours. I have been racking my brain up about how this is possible. I even spoke to a professor at my university today. We analysed one of the reasons proposed. This was the 'our brains see different colours, one side is more sensitive to darker colours, and the other to lighter colours. Therefore, the colour we see, is influenced by which side of our brain we use. 

However, if this was right, wouldn't that mean we would see all things in the world differently. 
Another proposal was that, the colour seen is based on mood. The darker colours, are said to be seen when one is in a bad mood, and when in a good mood; the lighter colours. Let me not lie. I saw both colours. But i only saw white and gold, after speaking to someone I was once emotionally attached to. I wonder if subconsciously he changed my mood. Interesting right? 

The most ridiculous one, was that only 'children of light' can see the white and gold. Whilst 'Children of the devil& darkness' can see the blue and black. This proposal obviously came from a Nigerian.

Colour is subjective, in fact every thing is colourless. Things appear to have colour based on what frequencies of light are being absorbed and at what intensity. 

I have a feeling this dress contains pigments of both the blue&black and white&gold. Now let me not get too technical, but we have light receptors in our eyes, which can vary in sensitivity from human to human. Perhaps, whose with receptors more sensitive to darker colours saw the blue&black, whilst those with receptors more sensitive to receiving lighter colour saw the white&gold. One thing I can confirm is both colours are there. But I can't say for certain this is the reason we are all seeing different things. 

This dress has literally broken the internet. Everywhere I turned today, people were talking about it. I switched on my Laptop a few minutes ago, searched 'The dress'; only to see it has made BBC news. Major and multiple WOWs. Im really hoping a scientist solves the mystery soon.
I'd love to hear your proposals. Let me know what you think!
Thank you for reading; Peace& Chunks xxx

Saturday, 21 February 2015

What's Trending? Amber Rose vs The Kardashians vs Kanye West.

Well well well, we've all watched this week as celebrities have once again taken to social media to air out their discrepancies against each other. It all started on the break fast club when Amber was asked about the alleged relationship between Tyga(27) and Kylie Jenner(17). She stated 'She's 17; Shes a baby, she needs to go to bed at 7!' ... She went on to add 'in disappointed in him; he has a beautiful woman and child at home, he left that for a 16 year old who just turned 17'. Amber definitely didn't hold back and it was bound to upset a few people. Khloe Kardashian took to Twitter to stand up for kylie:

Her comments seemed fair, she simply didn't appreciate her family being talked about like that. But this opened up a HUGE can of worms. Amber Rose went from 0-1000 reallll quick !

Let me just show you a few tweets:

Can we just focus on:

Honestly that had me like:

Basically at this point the battle line was drawn; the two ladies went back and forth at each other. It was getting a little reckless and THEN Kanye West came and added his own two pence piece. He also went on the break fast club and basically clowned Amber; the woman he once loved.

He stated 'No woman, would wanna be with me when I was with Amber, I had to take 30 showers before I got with Kim'. In case you didn't get it, he was insinuating Amber Rose's Vagina smells. In the best possible way lmaoo.

Of course Amber did not back down. She fired back with these ones:

She had us on the edges of our seats only to let us down. Maybe she remembered she was a Christian lol. Speaking of which, what happened to that bible study class Kim was gonna start? AND speaking of Kim, where was she in all this; rumour has it she went on a Ski trip, to 'get away from it all'.. awww poor Kimmy...

Soooo who's side are you on? The Kardashian Clan or Amber? Personally i'm team Amber; she was only saying what everyone was thinking. The Kardashians got defensive because they know she was right. Amber over did it as some points though. 

Anyway guys; thats all for now. Thank you for reading..
