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Monday 22 June 2015

Happy Fathers Day | Assuming the position of Love.

Happy Fathers Day..

Father's Day as we all know is a day set aside to celebrate the fathers in our lives. Key part of that phrase being 'in our lives'. 

Father's Day does not get as much buzz as Mother's Day both on a social level and even in the media. Less people splash out in their dads as they normally would for their mums. Less people want to appreciate their dads in person and on social media. 

Let me be honest I was more than eager to write my mother a long paragraph on Mother's Day than I was for my dad on Father's Day. That's not because I don't love him but it would be pretentious of me. I just wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to say. "Happy Father's Day" and that was all. 

And I think a lot of people also felt this way. The 'Happy Father's Day, Mum' tweets were still being posted because for many their mums have become both parent parties in their life. 

'Wait till Mother's Day' is the typical response to those posts. This is usually from people who have their fathers active in their life. I'd rather not comment on those things because you don't know each and everyone's struggle. So if someone wants to appreciate their mum for being their father, I say let them. 

So where was I going with this. 

Fathers, future fathers, men. 

You have a huge responsibility. You see that quote 'Work twice as hard, to get to half as here they are', it also applies to you. No not in terms of race, rather in terms of your role in your children's/ future children's lives. 

Talking from experience, children are more forgiving of their mothers than fathers. No one is perfect, but one wrong move and a lot of people will dismiss their fathers forever. 

Why ? 

That woman carried us for 9 months, then went through the struggle of birthing us. She nurtured us, breastfed us, intimacy like no other. 

Now I'm not saying our fathers didn't help out when we were born. . In fact there are many dads who had to nurture their Children alone. They are the real MVPs. There just can never be that level of intimacy between and father and child, when the mother is still around.

As harsh as it sounds, we love mummy more. 

So when she wrongs us, we still have those factors to fall back on. The reasons to love her against all odds if you will. 

We have to learn from the older generation, rather than make the same mistakes they did. 

A lot of men assume their positions once married. The leader, the head type thing.

You bring home the bacon, but sometimes forget to feed it, to your child. Literally and hypothetically speaking, that is.

Money is not love. Love is love. 

It seems so simple, but it's easy to forget. 

Fathers to daughters 

You are her first 'love'. The first man in her life. Your actions will have somewhat of and impact on her future relationships and life in general. This impact varies because every individual is different. A lack of fatherly love can lead some to having 'daddy issues', a void which they try to fill with anything that looks like love, for example sex from any man who pays them attention. Others shut down completely and despise even the mention of a man. Some simply take the middle ground. It really depends. 

The point is, you do not want your actions or inability to fulfil your role of displaying a positive version of love (true love) in her life to be the reason why she loses herself. 

She is a princess, treat her like one; so she never forgets. Let her know she is special in case someone tries to tell her otherwise. 

Fathers and sons

You are his first image of what a man should be. He WILL copy you. 

He will remember the way you treated his mother. He will harbour in his mind that moment you decided whether or not to stay in his life. He will learn from you the secrets to success and even failure. The decisions you make and the moves you take will determine whether or not your son will Also invest in his own future. 

Ambition is innate. It is at the centre of our hearts BUT will your actions fuel the fire of ambition in his life or simply put it out. 

Ambition is not just for men mind you, this also applies to women. But for all intensive purposes, let me not digress. 

Will you teach him how to be faithful to one woman or spud Him for sleeping around and ruining other women's outlook on love? 

The way you run your family. You are giving your sons ideas. Good or bad, traditions and family practices never really seem to die. So which will you bring to life? 

Once again you do not want your actions to be the reason why your son does not know how to love.

I guess it all boils down to love. And this is not just in Romaric relationships. God is love and if we and in his likeness and image we should also desire love. Being emotionally detached as a father can taint the image of love for the child which tends to continue for more generations. 

However, our foundations can only be an excuse for out wrong doings for so long. It's time to come back down to earth. Break the cycle type of thing. A lack of a role model in your father does not mean positivity cannot be found else where, neither does it mean you cannot live a positive life and BECOME that role model you really longed for. 

You want you daddy but he didn't want you. Then make sure you make your child feel like the most wanted person in the world from the moment they are born.

You wanted daddy's attention but he just didn't have the time. You make sure you never work to the point you don't have special time created for your future children. 

You wanted to make daddy proud but he wasn't there to see your achievements. You make sure you're ready to show up to every pop quiz, parents evening, sports day etc and make sure you are the LOUDEST cheerleader. 

Fathers you are our heroes. Never become the villain. Start making positive changes to really become 'that guy'. 

Once again it boils down to one of my favourite sayings. 'LEARN to find STRENGTH from your PAIN'. This isn't an innate skill, it is acquired by force. It is not human nature but can be implemented as a form of self nurture. 

Show love, so love can proceed our future generations. Fathers, future fathers, men. The choice is yours.

Thanks so much for reading this post, peace & chunks x

Friday 19 June 2015

World Sickle Cell Day.

I was excited to wake up today and discover that today the 19th of June, is world sickle cell day. 
Sickle Cell Anaemia is often described as the 'silent disease', due to lack of knowledge about it. You may or may not know, I am a Scientist in training. Physiology modules which I have taken have given me the confidence to write this blog post.

Raising awareness about Sickle cell Anaemia is important in order to minimise it's impact on future generations. There is no cure for this disease, it is only Medically managed. Sickle cell is prominent amongst individuals of African/ Carribean descent. It is increasing in occurrence in the UK due to the diversity of ethnicities we have.

So what is Sickle Cell? 

Its is a disease of the blood, in particular the red blood cells; in which they 'sickle' or form a crescent shape. 

What does Haemoglobin have to do with it?

Red blood cells contain a quaternary (four subunit) protein called Haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the substance oxygen binds to, then transports it to the respiring body cells and organs. Out of the four subunits there is a further division into Alpha-globin and Beta-globin. There are two A-globins and two B-globin assembled into the final haemoglobin structure. 

So what could possibly go wrong? 

A mutation occurs. Proteins are formed from amino acids. Amino acids must be in the correct order (Primary structure). This is because they have properties e.g. carrying a negative charge, allowing it to interact with other amino acids by form of for example attraction or repulsion; just like a magnet. So when everything is going smoothly, amino acids interact appropriately, correct folding occurs, Haemoglobin is assembled perfectly and can transport oxygen. 

An Amino acid substitution, can occur, for example a Valine to Glutamate on position/codon 7 in the chain. Valine has no charge, but glutamate carries a charge. CRISIS. Clumping or aggregates start to occur. 

Haemoglobin becomes inefficient in carrying oxygen. This leads to many physiological problems for an individual affected such as difficulty in breathing, quick tiredness and weak bones.

Whats the difference between an affected person and a carrier?

Okay ill try to explain this as simply as possible. 

Protein= Haemoglobin. Symbol=Hb/ H
Genotype 1 (gene inherited) = Normal. Symbol = A
Genotype 2 (gene inherited) = Sickle cell trait. Symbol = S

We always inherit two genes, one from our mother and one from our father. 
Sickle cell is a recessive gene, meaning for you to have sickle cell you have to inherit two sickle cell traits i.e. SS. 

Those who are carriers do NOT have the disease. They are AS, but have the risk of passing it on to their children.

Those with genotype AA are normal and unaffected.

Why should carriers be worried?

Let me place this chart for you. This is a cross between two carriers (AS) and the possible genotypes their children will inherit.

For more visual effect:

Ofcourse, there is a chance that sickle cell carriers don't have children with sickle cell. It is very possible, however the chances are on the low side. (One out of four)

Other possibilities:

Two sickle cell affected mating will unfortunately always give rise to sickle cell children. 

Those without sickle cell cannot have children with sickle cell. EXCEPT, if their partner is a carrier but even then they simply pass on the trait.

So it is now our responsibility, to make sure we know our blood types and that of our partner. In situations where both partners are carriers, or affected, genetic counselling can occur. Both parties can make informed decisions about reproducing.

I can't help but think about genetic engineering and the evolution of so called 'designer babies'. Scientists are proposing that soon, they may be able to genetically modify babies to become, smarter, more beautiful and in simple terms have more desirable traits. 

A lot of people are against it. But in my opinion, if these designer babies could be modified to be more healthy, then they should give it a go. Especially in life threatening diseases such as Sickle cell anaemia. Just my two pence piece.

Anyway, I hope you have learnt a thing or two from this blog post. Apologies if it was overly complex.

Thank you for reading! 

Peace & Chunks


Let's Talk: Celibacy, Abstinence & Reasons why I wait.

Sex sex sex 
Our world is filled with sex 
How to do it, how to get better..
Whilst there is practicality in finding out what you like and don't like, there is also beauty in waiting. 
This is something we're not necessarily taught in social media
Valuing your body, holding back a little, intimacy with the absolute right person. 
We're taught it's okay to sleep with several people so we can find out our G Spot, learn the moves that make us cum quick
But what about patience 
What about understanding the fact that not every new guy we meet deserves access to our naked body. 
No one is perfect, and decisions to either hold back or not don't make you better/ worse than anyone.

To my virgins:
Please don't be discouraged 
If he leaves you because of sex, then he probably wasn't worth it in the first place.

To my non Virgin celibates:
Keep on going 
You left that life for a reason 
Never forget it

This video was so personal for me, because it is something I have struggled with and still struggle with to an extent on a day to day basis. Something i've realised is celibacy requires discipline for all practical purposes. It is also a physical battle, which requires an even stronger force to combat it, this being the spiritual. Hence why I was preaching a little in the video lol. Its a gradual process, have a listen to some of the tips I offer in the video below!

Hope you enjoy this video ! I kept it as real as possible. Thanks for reading !  #Peace&Chunks 

Monday 1 June 2015

What's trending? The Wests are expecting a baby, Caitlyn Jenner & the end for Nicki+Meek

We are half way through the year!! Hooray! The first of June has brought not one, not two but three surprise packages in the world of celebrity. 
                     Neeky Millaj
Firstly, in the early hours of this morning, speculation began with the status of Rap artists Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill's relationship. 

Early spring, news first broke out of their alleged relationship. Speculation about their engagement even broke out. Everywhere, people were screaming relationship goals! Well not anymore as it seems. The engagement rumours have been shut down. Both Nicki and Meek took to Instagram to fire a few shots, which were clearly aimed at eachother.

Meek had me rolling though. Who knew bosses could hurt like this ? Sad times. Hope they can work it out in the end! 

                     The Wests
The second of the news arrived in the this afternoon. North west: Kim and Kanye's daughter is going to be a big sister ! Following a few interviews, we learnt that Kim was still having a few difficulties conceiving even after her first child. 

Above: Kim on the Jimmy Kimmel Show

And to her happiness she's going to be a mummy to a new bundle of joy! Congrats to the Wests !

                     Caitlyn Jenner
Thirdly, the news with the most buzz, Bruce Jenner has finally become the woman of his dreams. Say hello to Caitlyn Jenner ! 

She sure has a way of upstaging people! Not sure if Kim would be happy about both news coming out on the same day lol. His/ her family seem to be supportive of her/ him. His daughter Kendall tweeted 'be free now little bird'. How lovely. 

This world is truly amazing. 

Thank you for reading! 

Peace & Chunks ❤️