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Saturday, 25 July 2015

#DearChunks What should I expect from my Course in University?

I received this dilemma and thought it would be beneficial to other upcoming university students: Have a read ..

My Response: Hello Hun, first of all id like to apologise for my very late response! This month has been beyond busy for me! 

I do go to university of Leicester, that's great hopefully we'll bump into eachother at some point then ! 

I study Medical Physiology, so I'm in the biological sciences department.. 

That's a little bit far off financial economics but I know we have a mentor programme in the ACS where older students doing a certain course would look after first year students. If you would like I could pass on your details. 

However for general expectations.. I found university was a big step up from secondary school. It is true what they say the ALevels are the hardest part. By university provided you have done well in your ALevels you should have more or less cracked 'it'. It being the formula for your learning. If not I believe this summer is a good time to learn the things you don't know about yourself. 

University is not hard but it is strenuous. It requires a lot of time and dedication. There will be deadline after deadline which is why you will need to manage your time well and keep on top of your reading. 

This is because lectures are fast paced and it is easy to miss one or two things. A way to get around this is to print off your lecture slides prior to the lecture. These will be made available to you on black board at least 24 hours before. I normally do it the night before for all my lectures. So investing in a printer is a good idea as trips to the library aren't always ideal. So during the lectures I'll annotate the slides and make sure I am listening attentively. After the lecture I go through those notes and make additional notes. Maybe from a lecture recording or textbook research. I made sure I kept up with this. This has to be a daily thing, if ever I didn't get a chance to complete my notes, I'd do it on Wednesday as we have Wednesday afternoons off for sporting activities - which no one really does lol. Next catch up for me was Friday night. I'd always work till morning so I could have a lay in on Saturday. Weekends are for assignments and also blogging for me lol 

So you see it's about finding what works for you and according to your personal schedule. If you need me to be a mentor for you outside of your course mentor I will be more than happy to do so ! I managed to get a first class for first year and I'd like to push others to aim for that too.. 

If you're looking for more ideas on social expectations then head over to my YouTube channel and watch 'My University Experience' it should be helpful. The link in on my Twitter bio! 

Hope this helps, 
Love chunks xx

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